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Featured Video: A 360-Degree Show Jumping Helmet Cam


Over the past few years, 360-degree videos have been popping up on YouTube and Facebook. These are interactive clips taken with a certain type of camera that allow viewers to look in all directions. Like a more traditional helmet cam, you can get the rider’s-eye view and see what it’s like to ride a show jumping course. But you can also drag the view to see what’s happening on either side of the rider’s view. You can look down over the jumps just like your riding instructor is always telling you not to. You can even play “around the world” as the horse is conquering the triple combination.


YouTube is, of course, full of 360-degree riding videos. Here’s one for those of you buried under snow and ice this winter: A ride into the blue-green waters of Tampa Bay. Watch the horses, look down into the clear water below, or up at the bright, warm sun. Enjoy your mini virtual vacation!


Leslie Potter is a writer and photographer based in Lexington, Kentucky.

Leslie Potter

Leslie Potter is a graduate of William Woods University where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Equestrian Science with a concentration in saddle seat riding and a minor in Journalism/Mass Communications. She is currently a writer and photographer in Lexington, Ky. Potter worked as a barn manager and riding instructor and was a freelance reporter and photographer for the Horsemen's Yankee Pedlar and Saddle Horse Report before moving to Lexington to join Horse Illustrated as Web Editor from 2008 to 2019. Her current equestrian pursuits include being a grown-up lesson kid at an eventing barn and trail riding with her senior Morgan gelding, Snoopy.

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