Featured Video: A Man, a Sam, and a Tiny Horse

Jon Stewart Samantha Bee and a Mini Horse

Here’s a phenomenon that will be familiar to anyone fortunate enough to have a farm of their own. Whenever a horse (or other animal) is in need of a foster home, or rescue, or permanent adoption, people assume you’ve always got room for one more.

“You have space in your pasture or something, right?” your distant Facebook friends say.

This is true even if you’re a big time celeb, like Jon Stewart. Stewart and his wife, Tracey, run a farm that houses rescued farm animals. One of their most recent additions is Lily the Pony, an elderly mare who was abandoned in poor condition at the New Holland auction. Lily came with a friend, a Paint mare named Anita. Now maybe the Stewarts will have a trio of matching white equines on their farm thanks to late night TV host and former Daily Show correspondent, Samantha Bee.

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