Video of the Week: The Great American Horse Drive


Each spring, the staff and guests of the Sombrero Ranch in Colorado round up the herd of more than 600 horse in from the wintering grounds. During last year’s round up, a photography workshop through the Equine Photographers’ Network captured some of the incredible scenes of western life. This short documentary about the ranch showcases some of that scenery. Sit back and enjoy the eye candy.

Sombrero Ranch & The Great American Horse Drive from Mark Kettenhofen on Vimeo.

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  1. Great photography! Great choice for video of the week.
    Though I do feel sorry for any horses that might end up on the moon…

  2. I can remember helping Dennis Tatro take a group of CU Collage students on there annual ride from the stable to the collage. At the end most of them stayed up at the college and we would have to drive all the horses back to the stable at night. Right down the streets of Boulder. There was always at least 100 horses to bring back. Dennis had a horse named Red that could get out there and walk when everyone else was either trotting or galloping down the roads. Of course we had the police stopping traffic till we all passed. That was also back in the early 70’s. How time flies. Good to see Rex is looking so good these days. Good times are always remembered and not forgotten.


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