Featured Video: The Return of Tinker, the Bell-Ringing Mini Horse


CBS 58


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It’s been four
years since we first met Tinker, a Mini Horse in Wisconsin who dons a
Santa hat, performs tricks, and rings a bell as part of the Salvation
Army’s iconic Red Kettle holiday fundraiser. Tinker is still at it,
as we see in the report from CBS 58 above.

“Every year he
gets more and more popular,” says Carol Takacs, Tinker’s owner.
“People walk by and they say, ‘Okay, that’s cute…’ but then
they realize that he does actually pick up a bell and ring it, and
they really think that’s neat. So it’s fun to be with him.”

Tinker and Carol
have some extra help courtesy of Tallulah, Tinker’s canine
companion who looks quite comfortable perched on the Mini’s back.

Back in 2012, the
Associated Press reported that Tinker solicits 10 times the donations
of the average human bell-ringer, and he’s been at it since 2010.
That’s a lot of cash for charity over the years. Keep up the good
work, Tinker.

Tinker the Mini Horse


  1. For some reason it’s just spinning it’s wheels and not working? Hopefully tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing Tinker and her canine partner!

  2. Yay it’s working, OMG love the glitter on his hooves too! His doggie companion is adorable, who wouldn’t contribute to him! I sure would, double or nothing, okay double it is!

  3. Thought of Tinker yesterday when shopping, SA was just a man ringing a bell, told him he needed to adopt a mini and a dog to up his ante!


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