Video: How to Pull a Loose Horse Shoe


What do you do when your horse comes in from the pasture with a loose shoe? You might be tempted to leave it alone and hope that it stays put until your farrier can make a trip out to your farm, but this leaves your horse at risk of hoof injury. The shoe might pull off, taking a big chunk of hoof wall with it. It could also come loose and twist, causing your horse to step on the nails and suffer a puncture wound in his sole.

With the right tools, pulling a loose shoe is easy for an average horse owner to do when the farrier can’t make it out to the farm right away. In the video below, Kentucky-based farrier Eric Johnson shows step-by-step how to safely remove a shoe.

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  1. Great video! It’s helpful to see an experienced farrier working with a live horse, rather than just reading instructions or seeing a list of steps to follow. This is a good educational tool for any horse owner to watch.


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