Every time Cindy and Jill leave on a 'trail ride' their mother and I await their return with . . . Anticipation? No, that's not the word I'm looking for!!
Hi Cindy, I was wondering if you could tell me where you got the blue saddle pad that you use on Joey. I really like it and have seen it on the web, but do not remember where I looked. Thanks!
HI LEA! I like that BLUE SADDLE PAD, too. It's made by Weaver and it's a nice wool Navajo blanket stitched on top of a foam pad covered in felt. It's a contour pad, too, which means it conforms easily to the horse's back. By the way, my sister liked it, too, which is why Topper has inherited it for when he gets all decked out in his western regalia. By the way, this blog commentay has not been sponsored by Weaver Leather & Tack Company, LOL!
Hi Cindy, thanks for letting me know where to find it, I am sure my horse would like the pad, seems comfy!