October 2018 SmartTip of the Month: Salt

Horse with a red mineral block and white salt block
Photo by Leslie Potter

Thumbs up: Meeting your horse’s salt requirements

Horses need at least one ounce of salt per day to meet their daily requirements, but pasture, hay, and fortified grain contain very little salt. A supplement like SmartSalt™ Pellets helps ensure that your horse gets a consistent serving of salt every day.

Thumbs down: Using a salt lick as the only source of salt

Some horses don’t lick salt licks at all, and others lick them excessively. While a salt lick can help meet your horse’s daily requirements, you never know if he is consistently getting what he needs from that alone.

Related Articles

Salt or Electrolytes?

Salt (also known as sodium chloride or NaCl) plays an important role in normal nerve and muscle function and can help encourage your horse to drink, making it critical for his well-being. Adult horses in no work need at least one ounce of salt per day, and that need goes up with exercise and warm weather. If your horse’s daily requirements for salt aren’t met, he may not be in optimal health nor able to perform at his best. Continue Reading >>

Interested in learning more? Check out these articles:

Supplemental Salt Can Help Your Horse in Hot Weather

Rules to Feed a Horse By 



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