This horse belongs to a good friend of my boyfriend and his family. The horse is okay, but the suspect is lucky that the police got to him before the owner did - like any of us horse owners, he was not too happy to have his horse stolen from him, right in front of his eyes!
I'm glad the owner got to the horse so quickly. I would have been scared to death if someone stole my horse!
I am glad the horse was recovered with little injury. But the kicking of the suspect while down was outrageous. How is that person going to cooperate if he is getting beaten he is going to try and get away from it, then they beat him some more for moving. So they had to chase him and it was hot and tiring that is part of your job get over it and act like professionals.
Run from the LAW, you should get the crap beat out of you! Hurt my horse, you will be glad the LAW got there first.
He stole a horse and rode it hard over a long distance, causing injury to the horse. He needed to have the s***t kicked out of him.
agree with Gibby make suspect run over 5 miles like he had that poor horse had too and make him pay the vet bills