Really love this article. Leading the new horse around the new enclosure, both clockwise and counter clockwise is a must! Whether or not the horse is by itself, or turned into an area with only one other horse, or multiple horses, it needs to see all the area from both directions... Remember the 'right brain, left brain' training lessons from the clinicians? Keeping both/all of the horses safe is of the utmost priority. Putting an electric wire on the top of the dividing fences is a good idea. Some dominant horses will charge even the 'round corral' panels, to show the new horse who's boss! One sting from the electric wire or tape, will prevent fence, and horse damage, and turn that full on charge in to a very visual ear flattening, and an occasional audible hiss! ( I HATE you! This is MINE! Stay away! ) Love the Horse Illustrated articles. Great for beginners and experienced horse people, of all levels! Now, Lets enjoy our horses!