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bad horse behavior

What is Trauma-Informed Horsemanship?What is Trauma-Informed Horsemanship?

What is Trauma-Informed Horsemanship?

For most of us, “trauma-informed horsemanship” likely brings to mind the plethora of equine-assisted therapy and learning programs in which…

2 months ago
What is the Cause of Your Horse’s Behavior?What is the Cause of Your Horse’s Behavior?

What is the Cause of Your Horse’s Behavior?

If asked what type of personality your horse has, you might say he’s an alpha, stubborn, people-pleasing, nervous, difficult, easy-going,…

12 months ago
What’s Really Causing Bad Rides?What’s Really Causing Bad Rides?

What’s Really Causing Bad Rides?

You’ve heard horse owners evaluate rides and their horse's behavior as they hop off, maybe something like: “He was such…

1 year ago
Stable Vices vs. Coping MechanismsStable Vices vs. Coping Mechanisms

Stable Vices vs. Coping Mechanisms

We all have our own ways of dealing with stress, setbacks, relationship woes, demanding workloads and all of the effects…

2 years ago
6 Tips to Help Your Horse’s Boredom6 Tips to Help Your Horse’s Boredom

6 Tips to Help Your Horse’s Boredom

When horses get bored, they sometimes get destructive, as many chewed stall walls and broken fence rails can attest. A…

2 years ago
Tips for When a Horse Hates Being GroomedTips for When a Horse Hates Being Groomed

Tips for When a Horse Hates Being Groomed

When a horse hates being groomed, it can make life difficult. One such horse presented a classic case of “chestnut…

3 years ago
Horses Behaving BadlyHorses Behaving Badly

Horses Behaving Badly

Horses crave structure, consistency, praise and even discipline. In a herd setting, horses feel safe when they know that there’s…

6 years ago