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rare breed

The Beautiful Akhal-TekeThe Beautiful Akhal-Teke

The Beautiful Akhal-Teke

The Akhal-Teke horse—pronounced like “apple” with a K instead of the P’s, and “techie”—is one of the rarest horse breeds…

4 months ago
100 Years of Fell Ponies100 Years of Fell Ponies

100 Years of Fell Ponies

From before the Vikings invaded through modern times, the sturdy and faithful Fell Pony has weaved itself through Northern England’s…

1 year ago
Breed Portrait: Akhal-TekeBreed Portrait: Akhal-Teke

Breed Portrait: Akhal-Teke

Imagine a horse that can live with little forage in a dune-swept desert where cobras hide in the scrub brush…

2 years ago
Efforts to Save Endangered Equine BreedsEfforts to Save Endangered Equine Breeds

Efforts to Save Endangered Equine Breeds

Without equines, we would not have the America we know today. This is not at all exaggeration. Without the horses,…

2 years ago
Saving Endangered Horse BreedsSaving Endangered Horse Breeds

Saving Endangered Horse Breeds

Without horses, we would not have the America we know today. This is not at all exaggeration. Without the horses,…

3 years ago