Welcome to WEG


There’s really no eloquent, professional way to describe my being at the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games other than, “this is so cool!” Upon arriving this morning to watch the reining competition, the horse park was still fairly quiet. It has been transformed into a Disney-esque “It’s a Small World” ride. Competitors from all over the globe are walking the grounds on their way to the stabling area, the trade fair or to one of the stadiums to be a supporting spectator for fellow countrymen and women competing in a different event.

The makeshift media center in the indoor arena where reining is taking place gives journalists and editors like me special access to the “back stage” area on the ground floor and leads directly to the media-only seating section, with a great view and desks that allow me to write this sort of welcome message to you.

I was nervous about the trek into the park, whether I would be stuck in traffic or lines for hours on end, but my first trip in was as smooth as could be. I’m so excited to be here and have the opportunity to access all that the games have to offer so I can report it back to you–and hopefully transport you, if only for a moment, to this amazing event.

Although I’ve been to the horse park more times than I can count, for the next two weeks, it is no longer the Kentucky Horse Park I know and love. It’s even better. With that, I leave you to watch the second round of the reining team competition so I can bring you up-to-date standings and results throughout. Wish you were here!

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