The article was very informative. I would like to see more on bits. I have a horse that stays behind the bit it seems no matter what bit I use on him. He powers through the bit and tries to do what he wants rather than what the rider asks. I have used snaffles, curb and correctional bits on him. He ran off with a rider using the curb with long shanks. I would like more help in the form of articles on bits with a question and answer section.
Last comment "Mechanical hackamores are useful for horses with mouth injuries or a tendency to toss their heads." Wrong!!! The rider needs to take the time to understand what is causing the horse to toss its head". Mechanical hackamores should be taken off the market. They are torture devices for too many horses subjected to them.
Interesting! I hope thatveveryonechad a happy Thanksgiving, plus I also hope that their Saturday is going both great and safe!
Thank you for explaining that a bit is meant to provide a way of effectively communicating to your horse. My sister has been thinking about getting a new horse fro the property that she bought. I bet we could find a better way to help more horses than just getting the one though.