The Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA) is holding its first-ever Virtual International Conference on Friday, October 30, 2020. This event will be open to all horse enthusiasts with a CHA member and non-member rate for the educational day.
CHA has already confirmed the following as interactive speakers: CHA Spokesperson and Certifier Julie Goodnight, Jochen Schleese with SaddleFit4Life, Dr. Julie Fischer on grant writing and fundraising for your equine business, Tara Reimer of Cloud 9 Ranch in Manitoba on turnbacks and rollbacks, and many more!
To find out more about the event or to register to get the recording for after the event, visit https://cha.horse/international-conference.
CHA’s Online Silent Auction is Open to the Public
CHA is hosting an online silent auction this year. Great horse owner supplies, travel, gift baskets, household items, gift certificates, clothing, art, jewelry and much more is up for bid. The auction will be live from October 15–November 2, 2020.
Any items will be shipped to the winning bidder after the closing of the auction, and shipping is included for free. Funds from this auction will go towards CHA scholarships for those that are in financial need due to hardship to support attendance at a CHA certification clinic. These clincs help jumpstart careers for riding instructors or equine facility managers.
The silent auction is now open for bidding at www.32auctions.com/CHASilentAuction.