Horse Health College Session 100 – Class Schedule

Horse Health College – Open Classes
• Equine Health Basics – Covers the essentials of equine health care that every horse owner should know. Find out how to take your horse’s vital signs to know what is normal for him. Learn how to recognize changes that could indicate the start of health problems. Includes tips on how to take the proper precautions to keep your horse safe, healthy and happy at home.

Instructor: Dr. Laura Riley is a graduate of the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Tech.  She practiced equine and camelid medicine in the hunt country of Maryland before moving to her riverside cabin in beautiful West Virginia to write and teach.

Equine Health Basics Reading AssignmentEquine Health Basics ChartEquine Health Basics VideoEquine Health Basics Quiz
• Intro to Parasites – Get to know the internal parasites that threaten your horse’s health. Learn their lifecycle and find out how they infect horses. Discover how deworming strategies have changed over the years and what you should be doing now to protect your horse.

Instructor: Karla Rugh, D.V.M., Ph.D., of Rocheport, Missouri, has been a veterinarian for more than 35 years. She has experience in equine/food animal practice, companion animal practice, academia and research. She has written three books and more than 50 articles about pet care. Dr. Rugh owns five horses, who reside at Sycamore Hollow, her family’s farm.

Intro to Parasites Reading AssignmentIntro to Parasites ChartIntro to Parasites Quiz
• Equine Respiratory Health – What are the symptoms of respiratory ailments and how can you help an affected horse recover? Learn what stable management strategies can reduce the risk of respiratory problems in your barn.

Instructor: Anna O’Brien, DVM, is currently a large animal ambulatory veterinarian in central Maryland. From miniature horses to zebras at the local zoo, her practice tackles anything equine in nature with a few cows, goats, sheep, pigs, llamas, and alpacas thrown in for good measure.

Equine Respiratory Health Reading AssignmentEquine Respiratory Health ChartEquine Respiratory Health Quiz
• Equine Vaccines – Learn what to expect when vaccinating and find out what diseases every horse owner should be vaccinating for.

Instructor: Karla Rugh, D.V.M., Ph.D., of Rocheport, Missouri, has been a veterinarian for more than 35 years. She has experience in equine/food animal practice, companion animal practice, academia and research. She has written three books and more than 50 articles about pet care. Dr. Rugh owns five horses, who reside at Sycamore Hollow, her family’s farm.

Equine Vaccines Reading AssignmentEquine Vaccines VideoEquine Vaccines Quiz
• Lameness Basics – Learn how a vet performs a lameness exam and what the results can show about your horse’s joint health and soundness.

Instructor: Nancy Loving, DVM is a performance horse veterinarian based in Colorado. She is the author of All Horse Systems Go.

Lameness Basics Reading AssignmentLameness Basics VideoLameness Basics Quiz
• Parasite Control Strategies – Learn about parasite control strategies.

Instructor: Karla Rugh, D.V.M., Ph.D., of Rocheport, Missouri, has been a veterinarian for more than 35 years. She has experience in equine/food animal practice, companion animal practice, academia and research. She has written three books and more than 50 articles about pet care. Dr. Rugh owns five horses, who reside at Sycamore Hollow, her family’s farm.

Parasite Control Strategies Reading AssignmentParasite Control Strategies SlideshowParasite Control Strategies Quiz
• Risk-Based Vaccinations – Learn more about equine diseases that affect different geographic regions in the U.S.

Instructor: Karla Rugh, D.V.M., Ph.D., of Rocheport, Missouri, has been a veterinarian for more than 35 years. She has experience in equine/food animal practice, companion animal practice, academia and research. She has written three books and more than 50 articles about pet care. Dr. Rugh owns five horses, who reside at Sycamore Hollow, her family’s farm.

Risk-Based Vaccinations Reading AssignmentRisk-Based Vaccinations ChartRisk-Based Vaccinations Quiz
• Equine Wellness – Tips to keep your horse healthy year-round with a focus on major health issues including colic and laminitis as well as seasonal health concerns. Overview of symptoms and treatments and a strong focus on preventative care.

Instructor: Anna O’Brien, DVM, is currently a large animal ambulatory veterinarian in central Maryland. From miniature horses to zebras at the local zoo, her practice tackles anything equine in nature with a few cows, goats, sheep, pigs, llamas, and alpacas thrown in for good measure.

Equine Wellness Reading AssignmentEquine Wellness ChartEquine Wellness Quiz
• Fly Control – Find out about various stable management techniques that will reduce populations of biting insects when spring comes around.

Instructor: Sharon Biggs.

Fly Control Reading AssignmentFly Control ChartFly Control Quiz


  1. This is a great “course” to take to learn about equine health basics and everybody should take this class before becoming a horse owner.

  2. This is a wonderful idea. I know plenty of horse folk who have said for years that there should be some kind of class for new horse owners that is free and easy to take. Well, here it is! 🙂 Thanks Horse Channel!

  3. I did learn a few things, that I never knew before. Looking forward to the next class or lesson. wish, I did that in “real school”!!

  4. Great Class Schedule so far I completed three classes in the 1st semester. I am learning A lot about horses and learning a new skill set

  5. I absolutely love these classes! They are informative, and they give me an insight into what I will be doing when I become a vet. I also enjoyed the fact that Dr. Riley is a graduate of the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, because that is where I intend to graduate from!

  6. i finished the fist semester and for those of you who are wondering i just found out that there is a new one every month

  7. i’ve been registered for a month now, and finished the three that are listed: equine health basics, intro to parasites, and equine respiratory health and no new came on yet?? what shall i do?

  8. also you can do horse grooming college while you wait.
    i’ve already done it and its a lot funner than you think…………….
    P.S. (my real name is Lauren, whats yours???)

  9. Is there a place on the site where we can check to see what has been accepted by the “college” records? I probably just did not read how to do that. Comments??

  10. this was fun you should have seen my moms face when i told her i was going to horse college! is there a second semester, if so please tell. by the way i learned so much about horses! also, i completed both college things, WHEN CAN I GET MY DIPLOMA!!!!!!

  11. K, I completed both horse grooming/health college, I read the assignments and did the quizzes, but when I click the print diplomas button, a window pops up: “No diplomas to print!” Shouldn’t I be able to?

  12. I had the same problem…I wonder what’s up? And I know I read all the stuff and passed all the tests, etc… Something must be malfunctioning.

  13. Regarding the diplomas, they will be available when the entire course has been completed. There are more great classes to come!

  14. As a newbe to horses, I did not know that they neede so many vaccinations. I do not like needles so I will let the vet do the job.

  15. Whoever came up with this idea is a genius. ^_^ I’m lerning loads and having fun. Earning points towards rewards is great motivation, too. Nice work, HC!

  16. I am new to the horse College and love the idea with the reading videos and Quizzes.. I have 3 Questions (problems) when I open my class schedule Why is the assignments, slide shows, video and quiz all checked like I have done them??
    And when I viewed my horse college progress report I am still needing to do Equine Vaccinations 200 risk based vaccinations: I click on it and it takes me to the horse channel Site map… Why or what do I do to take it? And last question I retook a test that was 70% I received a better score but it didn’t up date?

  17. Darcy,it does this to show that it gives you these activities to use when studying, because I’ve wondered this myself when I started grooming college, it did the same thing,and I noticed it did the same here!

  18. Equine Vaccinations appears twice in my account. The 1st one is a dummy link. It’s obviously a mistake but it’s a bit disconcerting because it affects my overall score!
    Also, either the Parasite Control Strategies quiz or the Risk-Based Vaccinations is not giving me any points!!!

  19. I have had the same problem with the vaccination class is listed twice and bringing my score down. All zeros.You click on it and takes you somewhere else.

  20. If you click the “My Account” link at the top of the page, there’s a link for the progress report which will show you what you’ve finished and how you did on the quizzes.

  21. Brent and Kate, I do not think that a diploma is given until this session had ended. You can’t expect to get anything for only doing one or several month’s worth of activities. I am not certain, but I believe that the diplomas etc. are probably going to be given out after this ‘session’ or season is over. New classes are posted each month. Just stick around and be patient.

  22. does anyone know how many classes r left after the equine wellness one in session 100? i really would like to c how much more i have to go. thanks 🙂

  23. I think theses are very helpful!and a very fun for people to take. something that would be very interisting would be if you could introduce the skeilital system and the muscular system.

  24. Just went on my page and my horse health college is no longer on there! Grooming college is still there. Anyone else have this happen. I had everything completed so far. Help!

  25. Hi, yes I have had the same problem, Horse Health college was gone, and it told me it was closed. I have already completed it. I have also completed grooming college, but it is still on my account page, it tells me I have no diploma to print, and now health college is back. I don’t undertand the problem.

  26. It said grooming college goes till May so they will be adding more classes I guess every month. Horse health went to Jan. but they didn’t say a specific date. Mine was gone off my site when i checked on the 6th. Now the new grooming class only offers a quiz no reading material??? Always problems on this site.

  27. reading material is informative,but having trouble with taking the quizzes. the tests are not coming up just keeps taking you to another page.

  28. I just finished the first Health course, and it is not showing up on my accouts page anymore, and I never got my dipolma. Would really like to see this site improve.

  29. It is not allowing me to register for horse health classes, Equine Basics. How do I get into this class? Please help because I am anxious to learn!

  30. I tried to do a class but when I clicked on each one under “Horse Health” it kept telling me the session was closed or no longer valid.

  31. I don’t like that it does not show you what the correct answer is if you get a question wrong. I like to learn from my mistakes.

  32. This has been awesome. I’ve been an owner for many years and felt bad that there was so much I didn’t know. thanks for having this available. It’s great for us OLDSTERS too.

  33. It was a well put together program, which i enjoyed going through. Thank you to the people that made it possible and for those who put it together for everyone to enjoy.


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