Equine Dental Care Basics


    •  Equine Dental Health Basics

    Reading assignmentReading Assignment: Learn the fundamentals of equine dental care.
    ChartChart: Download a glossary of equine dentistry terms.
    QuizQuiz:Test your knowledge of equine dentistry basics.


    Instructor: Cynthia McFarland is an Ocala, Florida-based freelance writer and horse owner. The author of eight books, her latest is Cow Horse Confidence: A Time-Honored Approach to Stockmanship, co-authored with Martin Black.

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    1. im very interested in dental care and how to know when there are issues just with horse themselves and from when a vet floats the teeth to ensure that it is done correct for that horse that im caring for. would also like to learn more on the different types of equipment that is used by the vets themselves vs. an actual equine dentist.


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