American Paint Horses: Zippos Sensation


In honor of the American Paint Horse Association’s 50th anniversary in 2012, is featuring some famous horses from the breed’s history.

Zippos Sensation

Zippos Sensation

Image courtesy APHA
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Zippos Sensation
Zippos Sensation
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Zippos Sensation was the first Paint Horse to be added to the National Snaffle Bit Association’s (NSBA) prestigious Hall of Fame. The NSBA, which promotes the pleasure horse, includes elite equines that have had significant impact on the industry through their breeding or show qualifications. Sired by Zippo Pine Bar AQHA and out of Satin N Lace, the 1993 sorrel overo stallion is APHA’s leading sire of performance winners and point-earning performance horses. To date, out of his 800-plus foals, almost half of them have show records, and have earned 168 world and reserve championship titles. In addition, his offspring’s ability in the show ring have made Zippos Sensation a ten-time leading sire of money-earning foals through the APHA’s Breeders’ Trust program. He also currently leads APHA’s Leading Sires of Performance Winners list as well as the Leading Sires of Point-Earning Performance Horses list.

Learn more about American Paint Horses in HorseChannel’s breed profile



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