4 Reasons We Love Corgis


Being a horse person is almost synonymous with being a dog enthusiast. And being a horse-loving dog person means that it’s quite likely that you have a Welsh Corgi, have a friend with a Welsh Corgi, or just love Welsh Corgis for who they are—enthusiastic, independent, happy individuals with tons of joy to share. Here are four reasons we love Corgis:

Corgis know how to take charge

Having spent over 15 years around Corgis, I’ve discovered that there’s no situation that’s too much for a Corgi to handle. If you let him take charge, he will. That means no one will be allowed to run, jump, hug, laugh, or cheer. And under no circumstance will anyone be allowed to sing “happy birthday.” Ever.

That’s why you might want to think twice about letting a Corgi take charge at the barn. Otherwise, he’ll be the one scheduling your lessons and telling the horses which paddocks to use, which—while a great form of delegation—might not produce the results you’d prefer. But you have to love a dog that knows how to take charge.

Corgis are creatures of habit

If you like doing the same thing six million times without deviating from the appointed routine, then a Corgi is the dog for you. But it’s important to understand that a Corgi defines a “routine” as anything you’ve ever done once. So if you happen to decide to make a piece of toast at, say, 2 p.m. on a Saturday, you’ll be expected (read: ordered) to make the toast again on Sunday at 2 p.m. The bonus of this is that if you wanted to make toast every day at 2 p.m., you won’t ever have to worry about forgetting, because your Corgi will remind you. Incessantly. Forever.

Corgis are thinkers—and listeners

You never know what might be going on inside that foxy little head, but then again, maybe that’s a good thing. Consider all the things that a Corgi must keep track of. Schedules! Food! The comings and goings of family members! Food! Incoming packages! Visitors! Food! The Corgi mind probably resembles a web browser with 2,704 tabs open.

Of course, the items that the Corgi chooses to think about might not be your priorities. What if you had to drop everything and come running every time you heard someone peel a banana? (That’s right, I said heard. The banana makes a distinct sound when you snap the stem to pull the peel. My Corgi, Peaches, can detect this noise from a sound sleep—three rooms away.) But a dog that devotes that much energy to listening is always helpful to have around.

Corgis like jobs

What’s not to like about an independent self-starter who handles tasks without guidance, invents work when there is none, and is 100 percent dependable and reliable? If I were the CEO of a company, I’d put Corgis in all of the managerial positions because I know they’d get the jobs done. At my house, Peaches handles the pivotal jobs of yelling at other dogs when they sneeze, watching all doorways in the house from a central location, and reminding me to “keep eating” if I happen to pause too long between bites during breakfast. (“Gee, thanks, Peaches—not sure I’d have remembered to put that next spoonful in my mouth without your help.”)

Do you share your barn with a Corgi? Tell us about your pup in the comments below.

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Tips on Choosing the Right Dog for You

Horses and Dogs

Samantha Johnson is a freelance writer and the author of several books, including The Field Guide to Horses, (Voyageur Press, 2009). She raises Welsh Mountain Ponies in northern Wisconsin and is a certified horse show judge. She loves Corgis and shares her home with her Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Peaches. Follow her on Twitter: @miraclewelsh.


  1. we have four corgi’s at our farm(named corgi creek because of so) they all love to hang out with the horses and keep everyone in line. they also herd our ducks. best dogs ever.

  2. I have two. They are fantastic dogs with great attitudes and are always happy. Corgis have infectious smiles. They are loyal to their owners, but love all people, can go and fit in anywhere. If you want to laugh every day and be surrounded by cute, get you self a Corgi! One warning – they are addictive… it’s hard to limit yourself to one and all your friends will want to steal yours!

  3. I love corgis. They are so cute. The descriptions remind me of my sheltie too. Must be something about herding breeds.

  4. So true! Corgi’s also have minds of their own and can be stubborn if they want! I had 2 corgi’s but lost Wesley last year to DM. If you are unfamiliar with that disease it is the same as Lou Gehrig’s disease in humans. It was very hard on Wesley at the end because he could not chase his jolly ball or go after his squeeky toys, we still have Bandit and still have enough loose hair to make another dog! They are the best!

  5. Over the course of time from my first Corgi in 1987 till now they are one of the best family dogs ever. I have had the enjoyment of 3 and still have my last girl Chloe’. They are demanding, in control, and they do talk a lot my little girl is always on time for her treat whether it is from me or my husband. All that was mentioned in this article is so true.Gotta love em tho.

  6. My parents had a corgi, Gwen, and brought her over to my place one day. I had a cat who was about 8 years old at the time, it was a warm day so the patio door was open, and the cat was on her harness and lead. The cat wasn’t pleased about a 10 week old puppy pestering her, so she took refuge on the patio, and up on the railing. She wasn’t that nuts and knew to get above her. Little she she count for the brain of the corgi, Gwen figured out that the cat was at the end of the lead and the best way to bring her back down to play was to grab hold of that lead and pull. We couldn’t stop laughing, and I looked at my parents and said, “you’re in trouble, you thought shelties were herders…this is one smart puppy.”


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