The Year in Horses: 1989



    • The National Horse Show made its first of many moves in this
      year. The historic competition had been held in New York City’s Madison Square
      Garden for 105 years, but due to financial constraints, the 1989 show was moved
      to the Meadowlands arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey. This was not the
      show’s final goodbye to Manhattan as it did return to the Garden for a few
      years at the turn of the century, but it was the beginning of a few decades of
      uncertainty for the show’s location.
    • On December 1, 1989, a new rule went into effect for
      American Horse Shows Association (AHSA) competitors. New restrictions were
      placed on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Bute, bringing the
      AHSA’s drugs and medications rules in line with those that had recently been
      adopted by the International Equestrian Federation (FEI). Like so many horse
      industry issues, the NSAID rules are still a hot topic today.

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