Horse quarter mark gallery 10

Horse Quartermark

Decorative markings brushed into the horse’s coat–quarter marks–enhance the conformation of a well-muscled hip and croup, and draw attention to the cleanliness and shine of a well-conditioned show horse. Quarter marks not only highlight a horse’s conformation and give correct turnout a finishing touch, they can also reflect personal style and add some fun for special occasions.

Horse Quartermark- Checkers

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  1. Quarter marks are AWESOME for shows, I had seen quarter marks on some of the horses in the show I last competed in, I was really interested in them because before I always thought the only way to decorate your horse was horse/face paint or hoof glitter. Yesterday I washed my 18 year old Oldenburg, Liberty and I was thinking about quarter marks. I tried it out for the first time yesterday by using a wet sponge and a regular hair comb, I suggest spraying the water on the horse like fly spray because once the water from the sponge dried on the hairs in a certain direction it was impossible to get the hair that had been wet and had no quarter marks on it back to normal, hairspray works pretty well though, but not the aerosol kind, use the squirt bottle kind.


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