Young Equestrians Can Win a Morgan Horse


Morgan horseThe 2009 American Morgan Horse Association/Team Morgan Win a Morgan Horse Contest is underway and one lucky person will be the winner.
The contest is open to any youth, age 21 and under, who is interested in owning a Morgan horse. The applicant will complete an application, essay, DVD, and include two letters of reference and submit the package to AMHA by September 2, 2009 at 5 p.m. EST. The entry fee is $50. The winner is responsible for transportation of the horse to his or her own location.

Last year, nine-year-old Christie Little of Harrington, Delaware, won the Morgan horse, “Cash,” or CBMF Walk The Line, in the the AMHA/Team Morgan essay contest.
Cash was generously donated to the contest by Ann Hailey of Copper Beech Morgans in New Albany, Ohio, which promoted the Morgan breed and raised funds for Team Morgan to travel to and host international equitation competitions. Copper Beech has once again donated a horse for this year’s contest
A fourth grader, Little has worked with her family’s Morgan horses, but this is the first one she will own on her own. She hopes to someday show Cash in the Morgan show ring, and plans to learn braiding, help with extra chores, and walk dogs to earn extra money to pay for her horse hobby. 

For more information on this contest or to request a contest package, please contact Christina Koliander at (802) 985-4944 ext. 17 or


  1. this is a great way to learn about horses! i wish i could enter, but i am not a good writer, and i dont have enough money right now. 🙂

  2. This is awesome! I would love to enter, but my parents won’t let me have a horse, and I can’t pay for the upkeep myself. Maybe someday.

  3. Oh if only i could enter. *sigh* i’m not a good enough writer and i dont have enough $ 4 the upkeep. *sigh* if only……


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