Do you have the world’s most beautiful horse in your barn?


Shiny horseYou know how every day you scratch your horse’s face, tickle his withers, and whisper, “You’re the most beautiful horse in the world.” Now you can actually take the bull by the horns and give your horse the chance he’s been waiting for to prove you right. It’s AmerEquine’s “World’s Most Beautiful Horse” contest, hosted by professional trainer, Dennis Auslam. It spells “fun” for you and your horse. And you and your horse could win $1,000.00.

All it takes to get started is a photo of your horse (and you can be in it too). There is a $10 entry fee for the contest. So get dressed up. Get your horse in the best-groomed, most sparkling, combed, brushed, and elegant condition; and have someone take a picture that does your horse true justice. Then get on the AmerEquine website and follow the simple entry instructions for submitting the picture. (That’s a good time to check the site for the prizes too, since being the World’s Most Beautiful Horse must not go un-rewarded.) The picture will be posted and the votes will roll in. The public may vote once a day through May 15, 2012. Those who make the top fifty will be invited to present their horses “live and in person” in the Semi-finals at Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth, Texas during the AmerEquine event. The audience and judges will select six finalists.

The best part is that your horse and you will work as a team at the event. During the finals, you can present your horse in any way that you think is best. You can ride, present “in hand”, drive, or even have your horse show “at liberty.” Then the audience together with the judges will decide. Of course, only one horse will win the title, but every contestant gets to be their most beautiful self for their moments in the ring. The best part is to have the fun of “showing off”; after all your horse knows he or she is beautiful—they trust you. To learn more, visit

For all things AmerEquine, including presenter and performer bios, sponsors, exhibitors, accommodations, and much more, trot on over to


  1. awesome! this sounds fun! but i never went to a thing like that! i never showed as well, and my horse is to old to show. but its fun to learn and read about horse shows. again, awesome!!!!

  2. You need to check out two horses in the Worlds Most Beautiful Horse – Dun n Sassy and Well Shake My Pepto. These two horses are fantastic and so beautiful.


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