Infographic explains details of the European horse meat scandal


By now, you’ve likely heard about the horse meat scandal in Europe that was first uncovered in January 2013. DNA testing on prepared frozen foods in Ireland revealed that some products labeled as beef actually contained horse meat. From there, more and more products were added to the list of mislabeled meats, including Burger King burgers and IKEA’s famous Swedish meatballs.

The mislabeled meat scandal has been restricted to European countries, but has raised important questions around the world about the integrity of the food-supply chain.

This infographic, from the Australian Institute of Food Safety, gives an overview of the scandal and the modern horse-meat industry.

Horsemeat Scandal [Infographic]

Via: The Australian Institute of Food Safety


  1. This graphic is from the Australian Institute for Food Safety, but who needs them? If you read the fine print, you’ll see where the AIFS got its “facts”: Wikipedia’s horse meat page. Good to know that the horse meat eating world is getting its “nutritional facts” from the experts.
    Problem is, Wikipedia’s “horse meat” page isn’t where you find out what’s wrong with horse meat. You find that on Wikipedia’s “horse slaughter page.” And there is plenty wrong with it. But of course, the AIFS doesn’t tell consumers that, even though it’s a “food safety institute.”
    This reference is just plain wrong: “A common medicine for horses that is dangerous to humans. So far no traces have been found.” Traces have absolutely been found, in quite a few places, for a very long time. And it is only one of many drugs.

    Great piece of marketing, but zero credible food safety info.
    I’ve written about the horse meat trade for 15 months for and the Huffington Post, including the food safety, economic, political, environmental, legislative, regulatory and humane aspects of horse slaughter. You can read my articles at: and

  2. Personally I find it disrespectful, disgusting, and unethical to eat horses. I understand other countries around the globe don’t view horses as we do here but seriously? How can a person eat such a beautiful animal? I feel that this world is too focused on MAN-kind and not existence in general. These articles and others have lead me to question the safety and components of even American meat. Also, I would just like to ask all pet owners out there this question (this includes people around the world): would you so easily eat your pet dog? Cat? or any other pet you love and care for? Once you have your answer, put yourself in horse lovers/owners shoes and try to imagine how WE feel. I think we got YOUR point of view a long time ago! I’m not a part of PETA or any groups like that but seriously? This is disturbing!

  3. I personally wouldn’t want to eat horse meat but I see nothing wrong with people in other countries eating it. And there are many countries in which horses are farmed specifically for this purpose. The meat from these farms is safe and good for you.


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