New program encourages youth riders to participate in foxhunting


Edited Press Release

The Masters of Foxhounds Association now offers a youth achievement badge for participating in foxhunting.

The Fairly Hunted award has been established to acknowledge youth under 18 who participate in foxhunts but may not be a member of the United States Pony Clubs. The award is given each year to any young person who hunts five times and is so acknowledged by a Master. The MFHA Board of Directors will present participants with a pin, certificate, a one-year subscription to Covertside, the Magazine of Mounted Foxhunting, and their names will be mentioned in an honor roll at the annual meeting.

MFHA has a long affiliation with the US Pony Clubs, which has a foxhunting badge program and includes foxhunting in its quiz programs. The board created the award as a way to reach out to horse-oriented young people who may not belong to a pony club, but may be members of group such as 4-H or other community horse organization. Pony clubbers are also eligible and encouraged to participate as are individuals with no club or group affiliation.

“This is the future of our sport and we’re excited to honor any young person who participates at least five times. There are no tests or requirements,” says MFHA President Ed Kelly. “They just have to participate.”

More information can be found on the MFHA website,

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  1. I first hunted as a teenager and I loved it! But I think they should also have a badge for older riders. There are many who have never even considered hunting!


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