Equine charity seeks support during Animal Planet’s ROAR campaign


Animal PlanetEdited Press Release

From now through Nov. 12, horse lovers everywhere will have the opportunity to prove that “Horses Have the Loudest ROAR” in the Animal Planet ROAR (Reach Out. Act. Respond) Campaign hosted by GlobalGiving. The EQUUS Foundation is one of Animal Planet’s seven charitable partners and the only charity representing horses.

“If you’ve been thinking about making a donation to help unwanted horses or enable more children to benefit from equine therapy – or if you are planning to make a holiday donation, now is the perfect time!” said Lynn Coakley, EQUUS Foundation President. “Animal Planet’s matching gifts will help twice as many horses and people! Animal Planet matches the donations as they are received so please donate quickly; otherwise, the matching donations will go to another charity. We are the only horse charity!”

Even if you are unable to donate, you can still help the EQUUS Foundation win the “Most Traffic” bonus by visiting EQUUSFoundation.org/ROAR once a day through November 12, and encourage all your fellow horse lovers to do the same.

About The EQUUS Foundation
The number of unwanted horses has reached an epidemic level in the US. Tragically, many are slaughtered. Instead, they can be rescued, rehabilitated and retrained. Many can be re-homed as therapy horses.

Equine therapy has been shown to be an effective treatment for physical, cognitive & emotional disabilities such as Autism, Brain Injuries, Amputations, Attention Deficit Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Cerebrovascular Accident/Stroke, Deafness, Down Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Spina Bifida, Spinal Cord Injuries, and Visual Impairment.

Whether its a five-year-old with Down syndrome, a 45-year-old recovering from a spinal cord injury, a senior citizen recovering from a stroke or a teenager struggling with depression, research shows that individuals of all ages who participate in equine therapy and equine assisted activities can experience physical and emotional rewards. For individuals with emotional challenges, the unique relationship formed with the horse can lead to increased confidence, patience and self-esteem.

Over 1,000 organizations now use horses to provide therapy to over 60,000 people with special needs. However, over 37 million individuals (12.1%) of all ages in the US reported having disabilities in 2011. An estimated 1.5 million Americans live with Autism and 1 in 4 veterans come home with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Here’s what to know about Animal Planet’s ROAR

  • There are 30 days to ROAR – beginning October 14 through November 12, 2013.
  • Animal Planet will match donations dollar for dollar up to $100,000, but it is first come, first served, so it’s essential to get donations in early.
  • There are $40,000 in bonus awards. The winner in each category will earn a $5,000 bonus. The categories are:
    • Top Fundraiser (October 14-October 28) & (October 29-November 12)
    • Greatest Number of Donors (October 14-October 28) & (October 29-November 12);
    • Most Traffic to Our Cause Page (October 14-October 28) & (October 29-November 12);
    • Loudest “ROAR” Heard by Judges; and
    • Most Active Pre-Launch Promotion.

Visit EQUUSFoundation.org/ROAR for more information.



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