Featured Video: Horse, Dancers Show Off Moves in Nail Polish Ad

A ballet dancer and a horse have a dance off. Photo via Vimeo

I love dance. Throughout the years I took classes, performed on stage and after I stopped dancing I spent (or rather, continue to spend) countless hours watching dance videos and live performances. Ballet, jazz, contemporary, hip hop – doesn’t matter. It’s all interesting to me. Over the years I also spent a lot of time with my aunt’s horses and now, as you know, I write about them. So when these two favorites of mine – dance and horses – come together, I can’t wait to share it.

OPI Instinct of Color nail polish created a commercial about two years ago that’s making the rounds again and rightfully so. Four dancers of different styles represent pink, red, blue and yellow – colors of the brands nail polish line. Each dancer shows off her skills while a black horse looks on, until she shows off her skills (at times CGI-enhanced, but that’s OK) in what is likely an attempt to show up the dancer. If you look closely, you’ll see that the horse also has her “nails” polished with the four colors of the dancers.

Watch the video and let us know which of the horse’s (or humans’) dance moves is your favorite.

OPI Instinct Of Color from L’ADN on Vimeo.


  1. I have watched the commercial several times and still am in awe of the beauty and gracefulness as well as free spirit of this beautiful animal, surely people can see God is her creater


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